Aura Clan League Season 2


Aura Clan League (ACL) season 1 started earlier this year and everyone had a enjoyable 16 weeks on pure clan vs clan battles. ACL offers local clans in Singapore and Malaysia to battle it out among each other, something that most of the clans want, but don’t have the opportunity to participate.

Our first season outcome can be found here,! The final standings of season 1 can be found here,!

So with the feedback that we received from captains and various players from season 1, we decided to work on and improve the ACL. As this is a community league, it gives fun and pleasure for the local clans to battle it out.

ACL season 2 would be only 6 weeks long, cutting down from 16 weeks from the 1st season. ACL season 2 would adopt the UEFA ‘Champions League’ format of splitting the teams into 4 groups and battling it out from there. The schedules would also be fixed to cut down misunderstanding and communication between clans. The group’s seeds are based on Season 1 table rankings. Top 2 from each group will proceed to the quarterfinals after 3 weeks of battling.


We are delighted and happy to have clans like from the local leader-boards to join us in season 2. Strong teams like Nova, CMC (Sandstorm SG) and Clash On Mars have good players. Season 2 would commence early december so remember to watch out for it!

Aura Clan League Official website:

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When is the next clash Royale tournament in Singapore?

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